Google Workspace on iPad
Google Workspace on iPad
Google Workspace on iPad
One of the most appealing things about using Google Workspace is that is works on any device and any platform - including iPad. The main difference is that if you are using the various Workspace tools on an iPad (or iPhone), the most efficient way to do so is via their apps - as opposed to from a web browser like Chrome. Layout and look is different on iPad compared to a web browser, but the important thing is that 99% of what you can do with Google Workspace on a laptop/desktop, you can do on an iPad.
Below is a list of Google Workspace/Google apps relevant to teachers/students.
G Suite/Google Apps for iOS/iPad relevant to teachers/students
G Suite/Google Apps for iOS/iPad relevant to teachers/students
Core G Suite Apps
Core G Suite Apps
Productivity Apps
Productivity Apps
Social Apps
Social Apps
Geography Apps
Geography Apps
Virtual Reality & 360
Virtual Reality & 360
Photography Apps
Photography Apps
Other Apps
Other Apps
Check out The EdTech show with Dan Spada for tips and tutorials on using Google Workspace on any device
Check out The EdTech show with Dan Spada for tips and tutorials on using Google Workspace on any device